One: the Internet are familiar with and very loving, working three years in the Internet, including web promotion, web site construction. According to the company's strategic needs are provided by the company's promotional solutions, including the promotion department of building, personnel selection and training with feedback. The planning of the construction company's Web site on the Internet to maximize the company information.
II: promotion measures such bid contains the SEM CPC http://forumpiastgliwice.euADWORDS means of how to develop keywords, title, description made a thorough research. SEO Company to develop the use of DIV CSS rational distribution operations documentation page, choose keywords to enhance the company's Web site traffic, PR.
Three: rational use of Internet resources includes: free websites, information dissemination, QQ and other instant messaging tools, forums, mail, blog and other online or offline promotional servant pulse. Reasonable coordination and information sector companies resources of other departments, implementationDelicate Wedding Favors of the company's sales strategy.Wedding Favor Ideas
Four: Pay Platform: Ali Baba, HC, Chinese suppliers and other platforms ranking operation.
V: By the initiative to explore other channels of customer information, submitted to the sales department.
Six: The department of information resources for the integration of the department staff training, and work attitude and make timely adjustments to improve the sector's cohesion will be developed into a research staff working document, spare resources reserved for the company. The development of the department to develop and improve regular system development department, employee of the department weekly, monthly audit. Wedding Favor Ideas
Seven: participate in the promotion Baidu, Sogou Alibaba and other bidding and customer training will learn a rich variety of promotional tools, as well as to understand the needs of existing customers to the Internet.
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